Sunday, February 28, 2010

En liten summering av helgen!

Vår lokala "lanthandel" här hemma brann ner tidigare i veckan. Sällan har mina ögon skådat så mycket blåljus här ute. Det är tur för oss att vi har Brobacka Kaffestuga på lagom avstånd. Idag behövde jag nämligen en rejäl frukost!

Fredagarna brukar vara ganska lugna för min del, eftersom jag oftast jobbar lördagar. Så även denna helg. Hade faktiskt planer på att träna efter jobbet i fredags, men det visade sig att "alla" gym tydligen stänger tidigare på fredagar. Varför?

Go dag på jobbet i lördags. Jag fortsatte på Johan's backpiece (som jag påbörjat en vecka tidigare). På kvällen var vi bjudna på 40-årskalas (Grattis igen Ulf och tack för att vi fick komma;) Go buffé och trevligt sällskap!
Och jag som inte är så van att festa har varit lite sliten idag (därav behovet av "Brobacka's lyx-macka" + våffla till efterrätt;) Sen har jag faktiskt tränat: 20 min trampmaskin + 40 min på löpbandet! Sen bastu och go middag = ny människa! :)

Vi ses i studion imorrn!

Friday, February 26, 2010


Man måste spara sin rygg när man sitter ner mycket i arbetet. Mitt bästa tips är att ställa bläck-kopparna PÅ kunden. Så slipper man vrida sig för att nå till bordet (där de vanligtvis står;) Denna backpiece har jag jobbat med i dagarna tre denna vecka. Underbart när det går framåt!

Anglomania @ .ish

Jag vill återigen flagga för ish-bloggen. Ända sen jag var tolv år gammal och köpte min första Sex Pistols-skiva har jag tyckt att Vivienne Westwood är den coolaste designern som någonsin knatat runt på denna jord. En fantastisk mix av punk och lyx ;) Aldrig trodde jag väl att jag skulle få chansen att prova dessa dyrgripar till kläder. Men "som alla vet" har min kära kollega smak! Idag hade han Vivienne's Anglomania-kollektion "på besök". Och lyckliga jag fick vara provdocka :)


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Kvällsöppet på Västra Gatan!

Ikväll har vi öppet till kl 20. Jag kommer att sitta med kund/kunder hela kvällen, men kika gärna förbi om du vågar dig ut i snö-rusket!


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Här har vi aldrig tråkigt!

Igår fick jag en liten håltimma. Tur jag har som har studion i en schysst klädbutik. Äääälskar de nya jeansen som kommit!! Spana in min kollegas blogg:

Ps: den snygga modellen är ingen mindre än Little Bird! Tatuerare OCH fotomodell ;)

En av veckans favoriter!

Fortsatte på denna backpiece i måndags. Har sen haft så fullt upp att jag knappt hunnit blogga här på min nya blogg. Här kommer bild iaf. Fler av veckans bilder kommer snart!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Tusen tack till Totte!

Jättetack (!!!) Totte, för att du tagit dig tid å fixa så fint med min blogg! Supersnyggt! :) Ses på fredag - då blir det bläck och nålar! :)


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Under construction....

Har precis skapat denna blogg. Än så länge finns jag på - men den ska flyttas hit. Först ska jag bara göra fint med layout å sånt.... Håll till godo! ;)
//Little Bird

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tattoo to Camouflage Imperfections Body

Tattoo to Camouflage Imperfections Body
Defined as the act of camouflage to cover any shortcomings or imperfections, including imperfect body. photo above shows that the tattoo can hide imperfections of a person's hand. Maybe some skin in our body make us less comfortable and not confident, why do we not try to cover it up with a tattoo ..... but of course with the model according to taste and location of body parts which we will cover.
Never Despair With Imperfections

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tattoo Paper

Tattoo Paper

When planning an event many people have the idea that a temporary tattoo would make a great favor and source of entertainment. A common request is custom temporary tattoos for birthday parties, hens or stag nights or costume parties. Often, for these types of tattoos, small quantities are needed, possibly just a single tattoo or even several different types of designs. It is sometimes disappointing for people when they find out most tattoo suppliers require at least 1000 tattoos to be printed and even this is considered a small quantity and can be expensive.
Tattoo Paper
A solution is to create your own removable tattoos using temporary tattoo paper. By using tattoo paper you can print your designs on a standard Inkjet or laser printer. No expensive equipment is required and you are free to create your designs as you like and create as many different types of tattoos as you desire.

To create a tattoo you will require a standard desktop laser or Inkjet printer as well as some A4 sheets of temporary tattoo paper. The designs can be laid out in a word processor program or a graphics program. An important point to remember is that you must mirror the image horizontally as the image will be reversed once transferred onto the skin. Once you have printed your designs onto the tattoo paper you must apply a clear adhesive sheet over the top. This step can be a little tricky at first. A good tip is to place the adhesive paper on a flat surface with the sticky side up. Then take your design and place it on top. You should align one edge up with the adhesive paper first before letting it fall down onto the adhesive paper. The final step of the process is to cut out around your designs using a pair of scissors.

There are many possibilities when creating your own temporary tattoos. You might like to create a design and personalize each tattoo with a person's name or a saying. Another option is to create a number of designs for a dress up party. Using your imagination and creativity the possibilities are endless.

Tattoo Pain

Tattoo Pain

A lot of people before they get their first tattoo wonder whether or not it is painful to get a tattoo. Well the simple answer is yes, having your skin pierced by a needle hundreds of times a second does hurt. To most people thought it feels more irritating than anything. But I suppose the real question they are seeking the answer to is how much will it hurt? And then they wonder if they will be able to tolerate the pain.
Tattoo Pain
Pain is a relative issue. A perfect example to show that is child birth, every experience is unique and even a mother who has had multiple children will tell you the pain varies with each child as the pain will vary with each tattoo. Part of it is based on your own personal pain tolerance level. If you can handle large amounts of pain, a tattoo may seem like nothing. If a single needle withdrawing blood hurts like hell to you, a tattoo could be the most painful experience of your life. Part of your bodies defence mechanism though is to release endorphins and these endorphins help you to cope with the pain of the tattoo.

Pain is a definite in the tattooing process. How painful getting a tattoo is, is completely dependant on the person and the decisions they have made in regards to placement, colouring and mental attitude at the application time. Bing calm and relaxed and prepared for that which you are about to endure makes it a better experience and will almost always result in you being ready for your next tattoo.

Monday, February 1, 2010

girls with Tinkerbell tattoos designs

tinkerbell Tinkerbell tattoos have become feminine tattoo favourite. The cute little pixie favourite from the movies of Peter Pan is making herself